Chapter 3 (p. 70)

March 16, 2018


I asked her when students in Holland start learning foreign languages.

“Besides English, which is compulsory, we can choose French or German at high school. I chose German but found it too difficult so switched to French. English is the easiest. But maybe my French is better now.”

“But your German is really good,” I said.

“I know what I know but…what is it…the pronunciation…,” she said laughing, and blushing slightly.

She turned suddenly to the copy of Yukiguni and with her long fingers traced the black characters written on its cover.

“What does it say?” she asked.

“This means ‘snow’ and this means ‘country’,” I told her, explaining each of the characters. And with that we began to talk about the Japanese language.

“So Japanese has an alphabet?” she asked.

“Having come all this way,” I told her jokingly, “you have a right to learn Japanese,” and for a moment I was reminded of the French girls at the café the other day asking about Japanese.

I took out some writing paper and drew a series of simple ideograms. Beside the picture for tree 木 I drew the one for person 人 and explained that together these formed the character for “resting” 休.

Next I explained that Japanese has two alphabets—hiragana and katakana—and wrote them out on the same paper. After writing down the basic sounds “a, i, u, e, o,” I explained how the other sounds developed and overlapped. I then asked her if she knew how to write her name in Japanese. She searched through the list for each sound that corresponded with her name and, by copying the letters I had written out, effortlessly wrote her name.

Chapter 3 (p. 71)










Phrases/words of interest

必修(の) – compulsory

必修科目 – a required subject

照れる – be shy, be bashful, be embarrassed, blush

君のおかげで照れるなあ。- You made me shy.

照れるな。 – Don’t be shy.

たどる – to track, trace, follow, pursue, trudge along

山道をたどる – to trudge along a mountain path

心をよぎる – flash through the mind

象形文字 – hieroglyphics, graphic characters

傍ら(に,で) – besides, by the side of, by, close to

窓の傍らに- beside the window

道の傍らに- by the roadside

Chapter 3 (p. 68)

March 9, 2017


In the middle of this rush of words, she’d suddenly revealed she had a softer side, one that I found heartwarming.

I took her plate with the intention of putting some meat on it, and from her hand I took her chopsticks. She appeared somewhat surprised by this and for a moment said nothing. I figured that it must be rude in Europe to touch someone else’s tableware. Still, it was better using hers than mine, I thought. The chopsticks had absorbed her body heat. I felt closer to her than if I’d touched her on the hand.

“If it’s too much then leave some,” I said, becoming a little concerned.

“This is my last piece,” she said.

And with these few words, and the way that she gestured, spontaneously and relaxed, she was telling me that she wasn’t worried, that she didn’t object. With her chopsticks still in my hand, I took some more meat from the plate and dropped it into the nabe. Then, using the same chopsticks, I stirred the pot. After handing them back, I took some of the burnt meat from where I’d stirred the pot and popped it in my mouth.

With the sukiyaki pot back on the gas stove in the kitchen, I gave the table a wipe and brought out the yokan. While I did this, she sat with her back to me facing the bookshelf. She remained like this even when I moved closer to her.

“This one…and this one…are by the novelist I’m researching,” and I pulled out three or four French translations of Yasunari Kawabata’s novels.

“You can read one if you like. Whichever… I’ll lend you one.”

And with this, I gave her a rough outline of Snow Country, The House of the Sleeping Beauties and The Lake. As I was explaining the eroticism of The House of the Sleeping Beauties, I sneaked a peak at her.

Chapter 3 (p. 69)









Phrases/words of interest

心なし – somehow, somewhat

心なし寂しげだ – seem somewhat sad

しみ込む – sink, soak, penetrate, permeate, impregnate

水は砂にしみ込む – water sinks through sand

はるかに – far, by far, far and away; far away, in the distance

AはBよりはるかに大きい – A is far bigger than B

言葉の端 – words (someone’s)

彼女の言葉の端に険があった。- Her words had a sting in them.

しぐさ – gesture, bearing, motion, behavior, action

女らしいしぐさ – a feminine gesture

屈託がない – free from worry, have no cares

抵抗がない – without objection, not opposed to

私は注射に全く抵抗がない。- I’m not at all opposed to injections.

かき混ぜる – to stir, mix, mix in, scramble, beat, shuffle, ruffle, raise up, stir up, shake up, agitate

スープをかき混ぜる – stir the soup

肉片 – cut of meat, slice of meat

概略 – summary, resume, epitome, outline, gist, general idea

計画の概略を述べる- sketch an outline

– story line, plot; muscle, tendon, sinew; streak, stripe; vein; string, fiber; reason, logic; source, channel, quarter

の込み入った諸説 – a novel with a complicated plot

Chapter 3 (p. 62)

January 9, 2013


“Yeah, she’s OK. I’ve seen her twice in concert.”

“Any good?”

“Not bad.”

“You see that album cover over there…yeah, that one. That’s Princess Grace.”

Hearing this, Renée sat there and stared at the face on the cover, saying nothing. I was a fan of Princess Grace, or rather, Grace Kelly.

“If there’s something you want to listen to, just say,” I said after she’d sat back on the bed. She thought for a while and then exclaimed, “Beethoven!” And as she did, she pushed her neck slightly forward. Most of my records were by Beethoven.

“Orchestra or chorus?”

“Erm… Orchestra.”

I decided on the Third Movement from Symphony No. 9.

When the record reached the choral part she said, “Did you know that they sang this at Mitterrand’s inauguration?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she continued, as if recalling the event. She looked up at me and smiled. “I heard it in front of the Panthéon.”

“So you went then?”


Previously, while having dinner in Rue Descartes, a friend had invited her to the event but she had declined. I was therefore surprised to hear she had gone after all.

I’d borrowed a camping stove from a friend in preparation but I was having trouble getting it to work. Finally, when it was time to light it, I realized I had no matches and had to go downstairs to borrow some from the landlord.

Chapter 3 (p. 63)













Phrases/words of interest

王妃 – princess, queen

王妃になる夢を見る – dream of being a princess

のぞき込む – look into, stare into, peep into, peer into

(人)の寝室の窓をのぞき込む – peer into someone’s bedroom window

(人)の顔をじっとのぞき込む – gaze steadily into someone’s face

というより – or rather, on the contrary

BというよりA – more of A than B

BというよりもAに近い – be closer to A than B

AというよりむしろB – not so much A as B

彼は音楽家というよりむしろ詩人だ。- He’s more of a poet than a musician.

座り直す – reseat oneself, be reseated

椅子の上で楽なように座り直す – arrange oneself comfortably in a chair

振り出す – to draw, to issue, to make out to

~を受取人とする小切手を振り出す – issue a check in favor of~

大方 – nine tenths, almost all, most, general

大方のニュース番組は6時と11時です。- Most news broadcasts are at 6 and 11 ‘o clock

大方の人がするように – as most of us do

大方の場合 – to a large extent

合唱 – chorus

合唱の練習 – chorus practice

第九交響楽 – Symphony No. 9

交響楽団の – philharmonic

楽章 – movement (in music)

楽章の間に観客がプログラムをめくる音 – program-shuffling sound between movements

就任式 – inauguration, inaugural ceremony

オバマ氏の就任式は来年1月20日に行われる予定だ。- Obama’s inauguration will take place on Jan. 20 next year.

にてこずる – have trouble with

~を理解するのにてこずる – have trouble understanding~

彼女の質問にはてこずった。 – I was stuck by her question.

いよいよ – at last, finally, increasingly, more and more

いよいよだ。- The time has come.

いよいよという時に – at the last minute, in the nick of time

下段 – lower, lower berth, downstairs

家主 – landlord, landlady

Chapter 3 (p. 58)

August 1, 2012


They would have guessed I wasn’t there, felt a bit put out, and then gone home. We’d planned to meet at seven. I was sure I’d be home by then.

For the dinner party the following evening, I went to a Japanese store to buy some saké. Off the cuff, I decided to buy a tokkuri set. And now Monday had arrived. I had already arranged it all in my mind and so, after making the bed, I set off to buy vegetables at a Japanese store close by Avenue d’Opera. There was a lot to carry, and I had other things to buy as well, so I caught a taxi. Next, I headed to a nearby Japanese restaurant, where I bought some sashimi. Before heading home, I stopped by a Japanese confectioner’s and picked up a bar of yokan.

Once home I had to go out again, this time to the supermarket to get everything else I needed. Next, I phoned my friend again to make sure I’d got the yakitori recipe right. The time was flying by and soon it was almost 6:30, the time we’d decided on. I took another quick look around the room, tidied up where necessary, and then sat down with a feeling of relief on a corner chair near the intercom. But would she really turn up? I had sat like this once before, staring at the spotless carpet, waiting in vain. On that occasion, I had decided to offer private Japanese lessons to French girls and had put a notice up at the university. One girl came to a lesson, but then never came back. No one else ever showed up.

It was almost 6:30. She probably wouldn’t come either, I thought. Some 10 minutes passed, and then the intercom above my head buzzed loudly. When I jumped up and grabbed the receiver, a slightly excited, staccato voice said, “Renée.”

Chapter 3 (p. 59)








I cannot find 気にとまる anywhere, but it’s probably the same as 気に留める.


Phrases/words of interest

いぶかる – doubt, suspect

十代の子どもたちにどうして携帯電話を持つ余裕があるのかと、いぶかる人はよくいる。- A lot of people wonder how teenagers can afford mobile phones.

気を悪くする – Take offense, feel upset, get sore

(人)の気を悪くする – hurt someone’s feelings

ひどく気を悪くする – be deeply offended

~に気を悪くする – feel upset about~

思いついて – off the top of one’s head, a sudden idea

今すぐ思いついて – off the top of one’s head right now

段取り – setup, preparation, arrangement

段取りのミスをする – mess up the arrangements

段取りを決める – work out a plan

段取り時間 – setup time

分量 – amount, measure, quantity

分量がすごく多い朝食 – a big breakfast

分量を増やす – increase the quantity

帰りがけに – just as one was leaving, on one’s way home

帰りがけに声をかけてください。- Let me know when you leave.

~からの帰りがけに近所の人と話をする – talk to the neighbour on the way back from~

買い集める – buy in, buy a lot of

売れ残った製品を買い集める – buy up leftover products

見渡す – look over, survey, command, overlook, look out, scan

見渡す限り – as far as the eye can see

あらためて自分の周りの世界を見渡す – look anew at the world around one

気に留める – take notice of, give heed to, take account, notice

ほっと – expression of relief

ほっとため息をついて~を言う – say ~with a sigh of relief

果たして – really, just as expected, sure enough

~なんて果たしてあるのかな。- I wonder if there really is a thing as~

果たしてナイジェリアは、今後、南アフリカのようになることができるのだろうか?- Can Nigeria become like South Africa in the future?

姿勢 – position, posture, attitude, pose, bearing, demeanor, manner, stance

姿勢が全く異なる – of an entirely different mind

姿勢を取り直す – regain one’s footing

姿勢の影響 – postural influence

塵 – dust, speck

ちりとり – dustpan

むなしく待っている – to wait in vain

鳴り響く – ring, resound, peal, blast, roar

飛び上がる – leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet, bound

~の上に飛び上がる – jump onto~

びっくりして飛び上がる – jump in fright

声がはずむ – speak in an excited voice

Chapter 3 (p. 57)

May 30, 2012


The piece was about how this shabby seemingly unimpressive little man got so many of his fellow students besotted with him. For Sartre, there were always women. He knew what it was to be loved and filled with happiness. Reading this only made my own existence seem so infinitely miserable.

7 o’ clock came and went. I was feeling desperate. Unable to wait any longer, I left. I’d taken a few steps when my left knee suddenly gave way and I crashed to the ground. Looking down, I could see that my leg was half-buried in the ground. I had stepped into a hole. Behind me someone let out a screech of laughter. I turned round to find a young woman with blond hair. Another woman would’ve refrained from laughing, but this one couldn’t stop. As I approached her, feeling dizzy with pain, her face seemed to grimace, but I could see she was still giggling. With this, the sense of wretchedness I had felt moments ago reading the Sartre book returned with a vengeance. Compelled by pitiful anger, I wanted to shout out, “How dare you laugh at my misfortune!” But with the pain and sense of humiliation, I was unable to speak, and instead limped back to the corridor outside the examination room. But, if I did feel guilty, a voice from within me said, “It’ll all be over soon. Wait just a little more.” In the end, I had to get treatment for a bruised, swollen knee as well as my whiplash.

I finally got home around 9pm. Cigarette butts were scatted around the entrance to the apartment, something I hadn’t seen before. And then it struck me. I looked in the letterbox, but there was no note or anything. My friends had probably been there…We’d made a plan for tonight…

Chapter 3 (p. 58)








Phrases/words of interest

汚らしい – dirty-looking

風采 – look, appearance, figure

風采の上がらない – unimpressive looking

(人)にのぼせ上がる – fall head over heels in love with, go gaga over, become besotted with

限りなく – without end, with no limit

限りなくただに近く – next to nothing

限りなく美しい場所 – an infinitely beautiful place

~を限りなく信じている – have infinite faith in

惨め(な) – miserable, wretched, sad, sorry, dismal, unhappy

みじめな顔をしている – have a face like the back end of a bus

みじめな思いをする – feel sorry for oneself

数歩 – a few steps

衝撃 – blow, shock, impact

衝撃が少ない – low impact

衝撃を乗り越える – overcome the effects of the shock

埋まっている – buried, be embedded

がれきの下に埋まっている – buried in rubble

背後 – back, rear, the background, behind

背後からの攻撃 – attack from behind

背後に気配を感じる – feel a presence behind

笑いこける – roar with laughter, be convulsed with laughter

突然ドッと笑いこける – break into peals of laughter

目が回る – feel dizzy (giddy)

ジェットコースターに乗ったら目が回った。- I felt dizzy on the roller coaster

近寄る – approach, draw, go up, move in, near

引くつる – twitch, cramp up

よみがえる – come back from the dead, come back into existence, recur, come back, awake, rise

~の感じがよみがえる – bring back a sense of

(人)に子ども時代の思い出がよみがえる – bring back childhood memories for

数年後よみがえる – be resurrected some years later

情けない – miserable, depressed, woeful, deplorable, pitiable, sorry

憤りに – with anger

憤りに体中が震える – tremble all over with anger

に駆られる – have an urge to do, run away with, be consumed by

~が欲しいという衝動に駆られる – have an urge for ~

~したいという欲望に駆られる – be seized by a desire to

屈辱感 – a sense of humiliation

屈辱感から生じ – arise from [out of] a sense of humiliation

屈辱感に圧倒される – be overwhelmed by a sense of humiliation

口がきけず – unable to speak, unable to say anything

一言も口がきけず – unable to say a word

むちうち – whiplash

見慣れる – get used to seeing, be familiar with

見慣れぬ顔 – unfamiliar face

見慣れない周囲の状況 – unaccustomed surroundings

タバコの吸い殻 – cigarette butt

郵便受け – letter box, mail box


Chapter 3 (p. 54)

January 11, 2012


If so, it meant I’d be able to see her the following day.

Although I waited all the next morning for a call from the French girl, as we had agreed, she never phoned. I started to doubt whether she’d actually intended to call. This had happened to me a lot and I knew I was probably wasting my time… I finally gave up at one o’ clock and left the apartment. What was she doing? She had shown such enthusiasm. I even wondered whether she may have lost my address.

The weather was unusually hot that day, with the sun shining brightly all morning. Coats had been thrown off. Young women strolled around in light clothes revealing bare white flesh. I thought of Renée’s white arms from two weeks before. She probably looked the same today. I saw the two of us together, walking through a forest, I at her side soaking in her health and beauty…

I went to pick up some lunch from the café. Soon after I arrived, a young girl in white pants and her friend came in chatting and laughing. They sat down at a catty-corner table. As I watched them exuding youthfulness, I thought of Renée and if only I could be with her this very moment. I was gripped with a desperate urge to see her. We could meet, I thought. But no, not on a beautiful day like this. Surely she wouldn’t be at home. But before I knew it, I had changed my clothes, called a taxi, and was headed to her apartment.

Chapter 3 (p. 55)





昼食をとりにカフェ―にはいると、やがて真白いパンタロンをつけた、若い女の子が、 友達と晴れやかな笑い声をたてて入ってきながら、斜め向かいテーブルに座りました。その若々しい息吹のたちのぼってくる様な様子をみつめながら、ああ、今頃、彼女と一緒にいられたかも知れないのに、とたまらなくなって、もしかしたら、会えるかも知れない、いや、こんな天気の良い日に、一人でアパートの部屋にいるはずはないなどと思いながら、服を着替え、タクシーをよんで、彼女のアパートまで出かけました。



I found this particular page rather difficult to render into natural-sounding English and so took a few liberties without straying from the substance of the Japanese text. It’s probably a better way to translate.


Phrases/words of interest

会えたかも知れない – (I) could (possibly) meet (someone)

やがて – in due course, soon, before long, presently, in time, eventually

散々 – repeatedly, badly, severely

散々しかる – give someone a good scolding

散々な旅 –  disastrous trip

散々な気分です。- I feel like something the cat dragged in

とうとう -finally, after all, at last

とうとう、私は探していた本を見つけた。- At last I found the book I was looking for.

照り付ける – beat down, glare down

太陽が照り付ける中で – in the heat of the sun

強く照り付ける日光 – strong sunshine

上天気 – fine weather

外套 – overcoat

外套が必要な天気 – Overcoat weather

がなぐり捨てる – fling, throw off

軽装で – in light clothes/dress

軽装で旅行する – travel light

傍らに – on one side, on the side, aside, beside

(人)のベッドの傍らに座る – sit by someone’s bedside

浸る – dunk, dip, be flooded, soak, bask, indulge, steep

~の雰囲気に浸る – soak up the atmosphere of~

(人)の世界に浸る – immerse oneself in someone’s world

晴れやかな – bright, beaming, radiant, cheerful

晴れやかな期待の表情 – bright expectant face

晴れやかな気分をつくり出す – create a radiant mood

斜め向かい -cater-corner, cater-cornered, catty-cornered, kitty-cornered (in a diagonal or oblique position)

私が住んでいるアパートメントの斜め向かいに団地がある。- Kitty corner from the apartment building I live in is a housing project.

若々しい – young, youthful, juvenescent

若々しい活力 – youthful energy

驚くほどに若々しい顔 – a surprisingly youthful face

息吹 – breath

新鮮な息吹 – a breath of fresh air

自由の息吹を吸い込む – breathe the breath of liberty

見詰めながら – while watching/staring at

~を見詰めながら立つ – stand staring at

私は彼を見詰めながら横になっていました。何分間も、そうしていたように思います。- I lay there looking at him for what seemed minutes.

~したくてたまらなくなる – be overcome with a desperate urge to

(人)に会いたくてたまらなくなる – feel compelled to see ~

たばこが吸いたくてたまらなくなる – crave a cigarette


Chapter 3 (p. 51)

October 20, 2011


Although I had no real interest in that French girl, I began to feel the same way I had the week before, when I had been introduced to what was for me a new world. However, once that thought had crossed my mind, I began to have regrets.

I noticed a group of women students on the same platform. They were sitting on the next bench but, with an air of indifference, acted like I didn’t exist. They were probably afraid I might start talking to them. They soon got up and quickly walked to the far end of the platform. Back in the café, they had done the same, moving off into a corner… I felt like someone had thrown cold water all over me.

The train finally arrived. I got on and sat in the corner with my head lowered. I was extremely tired that evening and went straight home. However, after lying in bed for a while unable to sleep, I got up and took out a piece of paper. On it, I began to write a letter to Renée. I wanted to tell her that the party would be on Saturday. I added that, if this was inconvenient, she should call me as soon as she gets back.

It was my first time to write her a letter. However, I found it came easily. (I usually find it very difficult to write formal letters, especially to women I have only just met.) And, strangely, as I wrote, the tiredness I had previously felt lifted.

On another sheet of paper, I began to sketch a map of where I lived. Again, I thought this would be difficult. However, after making a draft, I managed it in two attempts. I told her to get off at the second Metro stop, where she’d find a sporting goods store and a bakery. But when I came to describe the easiest landmark, a Chinese restaurant, I stopped.

Chapter 3 (p. 52)










Phrases/words of interest

拓く – lead, open, offer

~への新しい道を拓く – offer a new avenue for ~

道を拓く – lead the way

~が頭をよぎる – be reminded of~, ~cross one’s mind

気づかぬふり – pretend not to notice

知らん顔をして – as if one didn’t know, as if nothing had happened

早足に歩く – walk fast

片隅 – corner

冷水 – cold water

うつむく – bend (droop) one’s head

うつむきながら話す – look down as one speaks

うつむき考えこむ – bend one’s head in thought

寝ころがる (寝そべる) – lie down

起き上がる – get up, sit up, pick oneself up, recover one’s feet

服を着ようと起き上がる – Get up to get dressed

倒れて起き上がることができるロボット – A robot that can get up after falling over

(人)に宛てて手紙 – a letter to (someone)

帰り次第 – upon returning

本社へ帰り次第結果をお知らせ致します。- I will send you the feedback as soon as I return to the home office.

思いの外 – beyond expectation

日頃 – at ordinary times, everyday, daily, on a regular basis

日頃のストレス – daily stress

日頃から子どもと話をする – communicate with one’s children on a regular basis

改まった – formal, ceremonious, serious

改まった口調で – in a formal tone

あまり改まった感じのしないシルクのシャツはありますか?- Do you have a silk shirt that is not too dressy?

かなり – by comparison, by a large margin, fairly, a fair bit, a significant amount, rather, significantly

かなりいい映画 – pretty good film

かなりうまくやっていく – get along fairly well

下書き – draft, sketch, rough

(~の)下書きをする – make a draft (of)

仕上がる – be completed, be finished

あともう少しで仕上がる – be nearly finished

完璧に仕上がる – be honed to perfection


Chapter 3 (p. 50)

August 23, 2011


I spoke no more in French that day. As usual, my professor was talking away, but he didn’t even look my way. What was I even doing here, I wondered. I was waiting for an excuse to get up and leave, but it hadn’t come. If I can just put up with this a little longer, I thought, something interesting is bound to happen. I looked at the clock and decided to leave after 10 minutes. But after what I thought was 5 minutes, I realized it was already 10:30.

I finally got up and began to put on my coat. Nobody seemed to notice. I could leave without even saying goodbye and it probably wouldn’t register. I felt miserable. I walked over to my teacher and held out my hand.”Thank you for everything,” I said. He extended his hand and laughed. Two or three students close by and I looked at each other in an exchange of greetings. The Korean girl, who was sitting next to the teacher, said “see you” in a friendly way. It seemed she actually remembered me.

When I arrived at the Metro I sat down only to see the skinny hysterical girl sitting on the opposite platform. The following passed through my mind: “She either left early, or everyone went home just after I left, which means the Korean girl has gone, and therefore if I’d waited a little longer I may have been able to make new friends. That girl isn’t here, the one that stood out from the others, she’s a little older, I could have talked with her.”

Chapter 3 (p. 51)


フランス語で会話は、もうな何も耳には入ってきません。教授は相変わらずしゃべっていますが、私の方をみようともしません。一体何の為にここにいるのかという気がしてきました。立ち上がるきっかけを待っていたのですが、みつかりません。しかも、そのままもう少し我慢してそこにいれば、何かよいことでもある様な気がしていたのです。 あの時計の針が、後十分たったら立ち上がろう、もうあと五分たったらと思いながら、とうとう十時半をまわっていました。






Phrases/words of interest

気に留める – take notice, notice, note

(人)の言うことを気に留める – take notice of what someone says

惨めな気がする – feel miserable, feel pathetic

手を差し伸べる – extend a hand, offer a helping hand

(~に)手を差し伸べる – extend a helping hand (to)

(~に)救いの手を差し伸べる – come to the rescue (of), extend a helping hand (to)

挨拶を交わす – exchange greetings

親しげな – friendly, folksy

親しげな口調で – in a friendly tone (of voice)

親しげな目で – with (through) friendly eyes

痩せぎすの女 – skinny woman

目につく – attract someone’s attention, stand out, leap out

目につく場所で – in plain view

~を目につくところに飾る – display ~ with prominence

Chapter 3 (p. 49)

July 14, 2011


I was a bit surprised. For whatever reason, I’d forgotten katakana entirely. “Japanese doesn’t have an alphabet?” she asked me. So I began to explain that Japanese uses tones instead of an alphabet, and that these tones, represented as kanji, when arranged somewhat laboriously in sequences, form meanings. Knowing nothing, she said “That’s amazing!” After this, I gave her my address and the map to my apartment. “It’s going to be this Saturday because Renée will be back at the weekend, although I’m not sure if she’s free or not,” I told her. “Is that OK?”

“Renée?” the boy asked, looking at the French girl. “She’s that Dutch girl.” “Oh,” he said. He began to say something about the weekend, but then stopped himself. “It’s nothing,” he said, adding that he understood about Saturday. If the plan doesn’t work for Renée, then maybe we could change it to Tuesday or the following weekend, I said. Whatever the case, we decided that the French girl should call me Saturday morning.

Soon after, the two got up, said a casual goodbye and left. Although I had no thoughts of going with them, wherever they were going, I felt that their  departure was all too soon. I was left sitting at the end of the table alone. I sat there in two minds whether to leave immediately and maybe catch them up, but then I’d probably be in the way. I could return to where I was sitting before but didn’t feeling like pushing my way through the crowd.

Alone and irritated, I occasionally looked up at the hands of a clock on the far wall. As I did, I became aware of how precious time is.

Chapter 3 (p. 50)




間もなく二人は立ち上がって、皆に軽くあいさつをすると、そのまま出て行きました。 それから彼らと一緒にどこかへいくと思っていませんでしたが、あまりにあっけなく行ってしまった感じでした。私だけが、テーブルの一番端にとり残された風で、そのまますぐに帰れば二人に途中で会い、邪魔になるかも知れず、中途半端気持でそのまま座っていました。元の椅子にかえってもいいのですが、皆をかきわけてその中におさまる気にもなりません。時々、遠くにかけてある円形のかけ時計の針をみながら、一人いらいらとしていました。時間がひどくおしい様な気もしてきます。



I’m not sure what means in this part of the sentence  あるいはその週末 but have translated it as “the following week.”


Phrases/words of interest

面喰らう (面食らう) -become confused, be baffled, be stumped by

分厚い説明書に面食らう – be confused by the fat instruction book

非常に面食らう – be flabbergasted

どうしたわけか – for some reason (or other)

類似した – similar, parallel, like

類似した病気 – similar illness

否定する – answer in the negative, deny, disavow, disclaim, negate, renounce

否定するのが難しいこと – something difficult to deny

~との関係を否定する – deny any link with

~を完全に否定する – deny ~ outright

言い添える – to add (in speech)

一息で言い添える – add in the same breath

いずれにせよ – anyhow, at any rate, at least, whether or not, whatever the case

テロリストたちは、いずれにせよ再びアメリカを攻撃するつもりです。- Terrorists are going to attack the United States again anyway.

あっけなく – abruptly, disappointingly, easily

あっけなくだまされる – get fooled easily

非常にあっけなく恋に落ちる – fall in love quite easily

一番端の – endmost, utmost

皆をかきわける – squeeze through everyone

治まる気 – calm, feeling of calm

円形の – circular, round, cycloid

いくつかの円形のペペロニでトッピングされたピザ – pizza topped with coins of pepperoni

明るい円形の光 – bright circle of light

ひどくおしい – Very precious, very dear (to someone)

私は命が惜しい。- Life is very dear to me

大変惜しい人を失う – suffer a real loss

Chapter 3 (p. 48)

June 9, 2011


Still, there are some women who can’t stomach this type. Judging from the other day, Renée has no great interest in him.

Looking around, I realized that, although this was the same café I had been in the other day, it suddenly felt like an entirely different place. “What on earth is she doing in Holland?” the French girl was saying. I couldn’t see her boyfriend anywhere. Just as I was wondering where he’d disappeared to, I spotted him. When he saw me, his face lit up. We must have bonded during dinner the other evening, as he seemed in very good spirits. I wanted to go over to them immediately, but the place was so crowded that I couldn’t move a muscle.

All of us, including myself, ordered cherry liqueur. Our teacher had a lot to say. So did a rather hysterical girl, who talked incessantly in class and was no different that day. I listened to the conversation at first but soon grew tired. (For some reason I felt extremely tired that day. It was very different to the week before, when I could have sat forever in that café.) As I stared blankly into space, my mind turned to thoughts of Renée.

People began to leave, freeing up space around us. “Can I ask you something about Japan?” the French girl said looking over at me. She then moved so that she was sitting next to me. I felt a sense of relief, as if I were with a close friend.

She wanted to know how to write the French boy’s name in Japanese.

Chapter 3 (p. 49)










Phrases/words of interest

忌み嫌う – detest, abhor, hate

~をひどく忌み嫌う – hate like poison

見回す – look aorund

信じられない思いで~を見回す – Look round at ~ with disbelief

見回すと、インターネットをやっている人は半分くらい。- I looked around and saw that half the people were suing the Internet.

見当たる – see (something), find (something)

私の万年筆が見当たらない。- I can’t find my pen.

大分してようやく – finally, after some time

~と心が通い合って – in rapport with~

私たちはもう気持ちが通い合わなくなってしまった。 – We no longer see eye to eye.

身動きできない – boxed in

その電車内では身動き一つ取れない – can’t move an inch on the train

口を利く – speak, talk, utter

口を利くテレタビーの人形 – Talking Teletubbies doll

ため口を利く – talk like friends

しゃべりまくる – prattle away, yap, yak, talk the wood off a door

~に長々としゃべりまくる – talk~to death

始めのうち – at first

に耳を傾ける – listen bend one’s ear

に耳を傾ける価値がある – worth listening to

~をぽかんと見詰める – stare at~ blankly

(人)をぽかんと見詰める – give someone a blank look

余裕のある –  loose, have space, loose-fitting, flexible

余裕のないスペース – cramped space

余裕の笑 – relaxed smile